Wilderness Bhadaure Boarding House
To increase the opportunities for girls to receive an education it was decided, in 2012 to fund the opening and maintenance of a boarding house for girls in Bhadaure.
An interview process at which a number of Wilderness community members were present was conducted in 2014 and a total of 11 students were selected and offered the opportunity of further education. Some of the boarders are orphans, some travel a great distance to attend school and others are not in a financial position to continue their education. The Bhadaure Boarding House provides the opportunity of an education that young girls in the region would not otherwise receive and being a boarder also improves their daily living standards.
The Bhadaure Boarding House was opened in 2014 and has consistently supported the education and living costs for a total of 11-12 students who attend classes which range from Year 4 to Year 12. These students are proudly funded by our Wilderness School Boarding Community.
In 2018 the first Bhadaure Boarding House student who had commenced boarding in 2014 - graduated, which was a fantastic achievement, and she is now furthering her education at University. This important opportunity was made possible because of being a boarder, where her schooling was maximised.
Wilderness in Nepal has committed to meeting the operating expenses of the Boarding House for up to 12 girls, including:
Clothing and uniform
Salary of a Boarding Mistress
All costs of education for the Boarders at the Shree Bhadaure Secondary School
Supporting Tertiary Education costs should the boarders decide to continue with study after secondary school