Kushudebu Public Health Mission

This government-run clinic provides health care to about 3500 people in the wider Junbesi region. It has a particular focus on women’s health issues, including childbirth and contraception, and recently was accredited as a Birthing Centre. With our support, two local women have been accredited as midwives.

KPHM also assists with disaster and emergency relief in the region as required.

One of the great challenges is keeping up to date with modern health thinking and practice. WIN assists in this regard by arranging regular professional medical and auxiliary health care training and medical clinics, which are conducted by Australian health professionals working with Nepalese doctors.

In October 2018 WIN organised a 4-day health camp at the KPHM, Junbesi. This is the fourth medical camp held at KPHM, with Australian and Nepalese medical and auxiliary staff, and was again run in parallel with a dental surgery.

These medical camps provide vital health care for remote communities, in some cases, families walked for more than 2 days to attend. Over 500 patients were assessed and treated by a range of medical professionals, including gynaecology and obstetrics, orthopaedic and ophthalmic, providing valuable treatment for the community.

In addition, the dental clinic assessed 419 and treated 218 patients many of whom were children. It has been very pleasing to see gradual improvements in the standard of children’s dental health over the last 5 – 10 years as dental clinics have been held regularly.

Once the clinic wrapped up, members of our intrepid team headed off on 3 different treks across Nepal, from 5 to 15 days, arranged and guided by our friends at Keep Walking Nepal (www.keepwalkingnepal.com). Nepal is spectacular, where you can enjoy the wildlife, scenery and welcoming, friendly nature of the people in this beautiful country.


WIN’s fifth medical camp, planned for September/ October 2020, unfortunately, had to be cancelled due to COVID.

However, following discussion with the local community, WIN has pivoted to provide funds to build an isolation ward adjacent to the KPHM facility. Initially, this will be used as a COVID testing facility, and long term will be available as extra accommodation for remote patients or overnight accommodation for newly delivered mothers.

If you would like to support the Kushudebu Public Health Mission clinic, either by joining the team on our next visit or donating medical supplies please contact admin@wildernessinnepal.org. or make a donation using the form below.

Download the 2018 WIN Medical Camp Report



Wilderness in Nepal has committed to continuing support for the Kushudebu Public Health Mission by:

  • paying the salaries of health professionals who work there

  • providing medical equipment, such as ultrasound and X-ray machines

  • arranging for teams of Nepalese and Australian medical professionals to participate in medical clinics to treat patients and provide additional training to local medical staff.

Mark Mackintosh